Fun Team Building Activities for Valentine’s Day
It is Valentine’s Day! The perfect time to express your love for your near and dear ones. As this Valentine’s Day falls on a working day, you would probably be at office with your colleagues thinking about your partners. How about you show some love and affection towards your employees on this day of love?
If you are confused how to go about it, below are seven team building activities that employees would absolutely fall in love with:

1. Play Valentine-Themed Pictionary:
Make a team of 5 members each. Before the game begins, ask them to write their favorite romantic movies and songs on a piece of paper. One team member from every team has to come forward, pick a chit form a bowl and enact what’s written on it with actions so that others could guess. If they get the movie right, the team wins.
2: Secret Valentine’s:
It is similar to Secret Santa. Write the names of your team members on a chit and put those chits in a bowl. Ask everyone to come forward and pick up a chit. Now, each team member has to give a small gift to the person whose name is written inside the chit.
3: Flowers:
Ask everyone to bring some flowers on Valentine’s Day and let them spend some time to arrange those into a bouquet. Make teams to spice things up and the team who arranges the flower bouquet first wins the competition.
4. Heart-a-Stack:
Buy some packets of candy hearts. Make teams of 2–3 people. The team who stacks the most candy hearts to the build the highest tower within a minute wins. Sounds simple, right?
5 Be My Valentine:
Let everyone gather in a circle and blindfold one from the group. The one who is blindfolded has to count till 10 and say ‘Be my Valentine’. Now, whosoever is holding the box will be his/her Valentine and let the game continue.
6 Never Have I Ever:
This is a fun drinking game for Valentine’s day that will help you to get to know each other in a fun way. Employees have to sit together in a circle with a drink. The first person begins with “Never have I ever….” and complete the sentence by saying something interesting something like “I never had one nightstand”. Those who have done it must take a sip. Continue the game until someone finishes his/her drink.
7. Heart Hunt:
This is a one v/s all game. Let someone volunteer and blindfold him. Give handmade hearts to the rest of the team. Everyone has to hide the heart given to them somewhere in the office so that the volunteer can find them when he is sighted. Make the game time-bound to add an element of fun. At the end, the winner gets a prize.
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