Help Your Employees Find A Purpose In Their Job

Sandeep Kashyap
ProofHub Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2022


Employee motivation
Image Source: ProofHub

I was just going through an article that stated — half of the workers feel like they have a career, the other half feel like they just have a job.

Such stats give an indication of how uninspired the current generation of employees. As a leader, the need to constantly give your employees a motivational boost is more than ever. And, the best way to achieve this is to help them find a purpose in their job.

How can you do that? Well, here are a few things that I’ve learned with experience that can help you achieve the same:

Ask the right questions

It is quite usual to have conversations about tasks and projects with your employees. But, you must also ask them questions about how they are feeling about working in the organization. Where do they see themselves in the future in your organization. Do they think they are being used to their best potential or do they feel they can be used better? What learning opportunities are they experiencing?

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All these questions will communicate the sense of care you have towards your team. It also heightens engagement and leads to development of a work culture where employees feel appreciated. And, such employees can take your business to new heights of success.

Create an opportunity

A sense of purpose will only come when the employees feel they have an opportunity to grow. This is where your role as a leader becomes so critical. Since you are the person who has to create that opportunity, you need to be careful and vocal about it.

From training and learning to future growth — you need to create opportunities for the employees that they can see. Discuss with them about things that they believe can create a forward momentum for them, and then invest your efforts in bringing those suggestions into practice.

Instill autonomy

Control leads to compliance, autonomy leads to engagement. And, engaged teams are the most productive ones. By practicing autonomy you are generating trust, as well as building their leadership and decision making skills. Not just that you are also sowing the seeds of accountability in the behaviour of your team members.

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All these attributes, when put together, create the perfect combination that you need everyone in your workforce to possess. You can easily achieve this by being their guide, and not their ringmaster.

So, are you ready to help your employees find purpose in their job?

Author Bio:

Sandeep Kashyap is the Founder and CEO of ProofHub — a leading project management software. He’s one person always on a lookout for innovative ideas about filling the communication gap between groups, teams, and organisations. You’ll find him saying, “Let’s go!” instead of “Go!” many times a day. That’s what makes him write about leadership in a way people are inspired to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more. For more inspirational articles follow him on Linkedin.

Originally published at

