How to make teamwork work for your team?
“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.” — James Cash Penney
If a team does not work well together, it can never succeed at anything. You might have the best brains in business in your team. But, as long as they are able to work well together their expertise is not going to be of any use. This is the reason that successful leaders focus on teamwork to make their dreams work.
“Want to make sure teamwork works for your team? Start collaborating at work using ProofHub”
And trust me, making teamwork work for your team is no rocket science. You can have a team that works together, and gets things done together. Just follow these tips -
Break the ice
You cannot get the team together in order for them to work. That’s where things like team building activities come into the picture. When the team members know each other, they feel more comfortable working at a place.
Even science supports this fact. Studies show that people who have friends at work are more productive as compared to the ones who don’t have. So, begin building your team by engaging them in team building activities. Munching together in lunch break. Going for informal outing on weekends. And, similar other stuff.
These activities work as a great ice-breaker. And, people can come out of their shell to build bonding at work. When like-minded people get together at work, be sure to expect great things happening!
Set ground rules
The client expects the company to build an excellent product. The management expects you to complete projects within the deadline. And, you expect the team to deliver great results! But, is the message clear enough? Does the team know what are the expectations from them?
It is important to set ground rules, so that the team-members know what you expect to get out of their service. What all is within their scope of work, and what all resources they can make use of while at work.
When everyone in the team knows their role, they become accountable for their work. They have expectations lying on their shoulders. This sense of accountability makes sure that they align towards the goal. And, get things done the right way.
Delegate tasks efficiently
Just like a puzzle, a project is also made up of many pieces. And, you must fit each piece into its right place to solve the puzzle of your project. This is where the art of delegation becomes so important.
You need to know the team members in order to know their expertise. Based on that expertise, you can delegate the tasks that fit within their scope of work. Can you connect the dots now, from the first point? If you don’t know your team members, how can you assign the right tasks to the right person?
Efficient delegation is also important as it required to get tasks completed on time. Piling up work on one resource, while the other one is free is going to mess things up. And, that no one would want to happen.
Provide personal space
As important it is to get everyone involved in the team, it is also important for them to have a personal space. As a leader you need to understand this and must try to balance the act.
Why personal space is so important? Because it is in this personal space the employee grows. Within this personal space the team member can take time to think about what they have achieved. What are the aspects where they lack? Most important of all, this gives them time to get their creative juices flowing. And, come up with innovative ideas.
Don’t expect them to make ground-breaking things when you are micromanaging things.
Track and analyze progress
As a leader and as a manager, it becomes your responsibility to check how the team is making progress. Not just in the current project, but in a holistic way. Can you see the bunch improving?
If not, then analyze what are the weak points and start working on improving them. Teamwork is not just about sticking together and getting things done like a machine. It is more like a constant effort to grow, evolve and become better at whatever you are doing.
Have the hunger to go beyond just fine. Start to think of ways to improve the processes and achieve greatness. After all, everyone wants to grow in their life. And, growth comes only when you keep an eye your past and compare it with the present to make the future better.
Celebrate achievements
Celebrations are integral part of our life. If you take celebrations out of our life, it takes out all the fun along! So, when our work makes such a big part of life, how can we not celebrate our achievements related to work?
After all, the team also needs a breather after having worked so hard on a project. As a matter of fact, you need to celebrate even small achievements with your team or providing them work perks.
This will ensure that everyone in the team gets the appreciation for their efforts. And, this can help to keep them with the organization for years to come! That’s exactly how you build great teams!
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