5 Quick Ways to Make Your Workplace More Efficient

Enhancing employee productivity should be a top priority within any organization. No matter how big or successful a company is, there is always room for improvement when it comes to employee engagement and efficiency. You want your employees to be as efficient as they can be.
There are a variety of factors that can impact workplace efficiency, from your company’s physical working environment to the stability of management. In order for a business to grow and increase productivity, it’s important that any of these underlying issues are identified and addressed.
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Increasing employee efficiency at work doesn’t have to be a daunting task. There are a range of simple steps you can take to ensure that your workers are always completing quality work in the desired time frame. It may take a combination of these steps to see the most effective results. Below are 5 strategies to increase productivity in the workplace.
Update Your Office

The impact and importance of a worker’s physical environment often go overlooked. Comfortable and efficient office space is essential to increase employee engagement. Everything from the lighting to the office equipment can make a difference to how employees work.
To increase productivity in the workplace, take a look around your office and think about what needs updating. Invite all employees to have a say by getting their feedback on the current workplace environment. Find out what aspects they’re happy with and what necessary changes need to be made. Encouraging open communication with your employees is a key step in improving employee engagement.
The first factor to look at is the state of the office equipment. Updating your office computers with the most efficient software and hardware is absolutely crucial to increase employee productivity. After all, one of the most central aspects of productivity is speed, so it’s important that all technology is running smoothly and quickly.
If all the technology is up to date, you can start examining all the other details of the office space. One of the most important elements to consider is the lighting. Bad lighting in an office can often cause eyestrain and headaches, which can make it very difficult to stay focused. To get the right balance of natural light, invest in some window blinds for your office. This will allow you to control the amount of light that comes into the room and minimise any distractions from outside.
Another central factor to take into account is the office furniture. Are the chairs pleasant to sit on? There’s nothing worse than sitting on an uncomfortable chair all day long. It can leave workers feeling irritable and distracted, which does no good for workplace productivity. If your employees are complaining about their discomfort, it will be worth the extra cost to find some quality replacement chairs.
If your office furniture and equipment are already up to scratch, then perhaps all your office needs is a quick change in layout. Simply moving furniture around and decluttering the space can give the office the refreshing change it needs. Invite employees to work together to create a more efficient office space. Your employees will appreciate the opportunity to take charge of their own working environment.
Embrace Feedback

One of the best ways to improve efficiency in the workplace is to give each other feedback regularly. In order for employees to become more efficient, they need to know exactly where their performance is lacking. Employee performance reviews could be discussed at regular individual meetings. At these meetings, let employees know where they are excelling and what they need to work on. Remember, positive feedback is just as important as negative feedback. Providing positive feedback on top of any constructive criticism will help boost their confidence and keep them motivated to work hard. Feedback, in general, lets your employees feel cared for and assures them that their work isn’t going unnoticed.
Increasing productivity within the workplace isn’t just about what the employees can do better. Managers should also give employees the chance to give their own suggestions for improvement in the workplace. You could provide employees with anonymous surveys that ask questions about their job satisfaction, morale with co-workers and managers, and the overall company culture. In a smaller business, you could hold team meetings where everyone has the freedom to express their thoughts and ideas for improvement. This will help encourage a culture of open communication which can help increase employee engagement.
Set Clear, Achievable Goals

Every business has their own overarching goals. Involving all employees in the goal-setting process will be key to increasing efficiency at work. When employees have clear, tangible goals to work towards, it helps them prioritize what they need to focus in the next month, quarter and year to come. Including employees in a goal setting exercise also shows them that their individual contributions are valued, thus strengthening their sense of ownership of their work.
The goal-setting process should begin with re-iterating any wider business goals. Once these goals are established, all department heads and employees should work together to determine how these goals will be achieved. Each employee will play their own individual role in achieving certain goals. For instance, if a business-wide goal is to improve customer engagement, then an employee in the marketing department may focus on increasing the company’s social media followers. It’s important that each employee is clear on what their goals are and what actionable steps they should take to achieve them.
Offer Flexibility

Many organizations in today’s workforce are offering employees greater flexibility in how they choose to work. Flexibility in work schedule, the location of work and the number of hours worked have become a common trend. These arrangements are often implemented as a strategic move to help improve efficiency in a business.
New advancements in digital technology have made it possible for workers to do their job in remote locations. This has enabled more opportunities for employees to work from home without productivity being compromised. With a variety of social networking and teleconferencing tools readily available, it is easier than ever before for employees to keep in regular contact with team members in varying locations. Project management and online collaboration tools like ProofHub have also made it simple for workers to collaborate on extensive projects quickly and efficiently.
Flexible work arrangements that allow employees to adjust their hours or work from home occasionally can have great benefits for an organization. By letting team members have more say in when and where they work, you are giving them control over their lives. This flexibility is a valuable asset for workers who desire a greater work-life balance. A healthier work-life balance can help reduce stress and fatigue in your employees, which will likely make them more engaged in their work. Granting workplace flexibility also shows your employees that you care about them as individuals, and are willing to accommodate to their personal style of working. This helps to build trust and encourage communication, which is beneficial to the whole organization. Employees will likely be more invested in their work if they feel valued and trusted by their managers.
Promote Good Health and Well Being

Employee physical and mental health plays a crucial role in the success of any company. Healthier employees could potentially result in fewer sick days and higher performance levels. For employees to stay focused, motivated and productive, they need to feel their best on the inside and outside.
There are many ways to promote good health and well being at work. Company-wide charity runs, annual sports days, and casual fitness competitions are fun strategies to get workers involved in exercise. To ensure your employees maintain a healthy diet, make it a priority to offer healthier food options at the office. Keeping the kitchen stocked with the healthiest drinks and snacks will help workers stay energized throughout the day.
Many organizations have also benefited from hosting wellness days. A wellness day gives employees the opportunity to take part in a variety of health-related activities. Activities could include everything from on-site yoga to nutrition classes and workshops. Maintaining good physical health, forming positive social relationships and eliminating harmful behaviors are all important aspects of wellness. A wellness day aims to demonstrate the importance of wellness and inspire employees to take care of their physical, emotional and psychological health. The hope is that making these positive lifestyle changes will have a positive effect on how they work.
Wellness days are a great way to show your employees that you care. It demonstrates that you are invested in them and want them to make the right lifestyle choices. This can help to increase their loyalty towards the organization. Wellness days also give co-workers the much-needed opportunity to bond with each other in a fun, stress-free environment. All of these factors can ultimately help to boost company morale and improve employee engagement.
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About Author:
Sofia Lockett is a freelance writer from New Zealand. She is very keen on productivity and believes that efficiency is working smarter not harder. You can read see more of her articles on her Tumblr.
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