How To Set A Unique Vibe For Your Workplace?

Sandeep Kashyap
ProofHub Blog
Published in
7 min readFeb 15, 2022


Unique Vibe For Your Workplace
Image source: ProofHub

Familiarity is a feeling often overlooked. As humans, we tend to be more drawn to environments that are familiar to us. We try to cling to familiar things and grow among familiar people. Familiarity is a safe zone and it is where one finds most comfort.

So why don’t we give our workplace a vibe that they would love to be familiar with?

A workplace is an amalgam of several moving parts. As a manager, however, our foremost responsibility is towards the wellness of our team. So, why not create an environment that caters to just that? How do we lend a hand to creating an environment that has a unique vibe to it?

To discover that, we need to know:

Why Does My Workplace Need A “Vibe” At All?

When we think of “vibe” words like “happy”, “chill”, “good”, and “positive” come to mind. And, that is exactly the direction I want to go in for the welfare of my team. Creating an amicable environment will not only give your team a reason to stick around but also help you boost the parameters of:

  • Morale
  • Productivity
  • Performance
  • Engagement
  • Collaboration
Image Source: Pexels

Setting up an atmosphere that is positive and constructive, we need to help our teams develop a likeness for the workplace and their jobs. To do that we need to create an environment that suffices their primal need for familiarity.

My years of managerial experience at ProofHub have taught me that simple factors like togetherness, appreciation, and loyalty are the ones that breed positivity. And positive vibes are exactly what we are hoping to give off to our teams so that they develop familiarity.

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How To Keep The Positive Vibes In Check With 5 Easy Step

#1 Learn To Appreciate Contribution:

It’s quite easy to ignore the role that our employees play and want more from them in terms of their jobs. The best environment for providing their contributions would be one where their efforts do not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

It is a pretty simple concept — Positivity stems from conversations about positive things. When you see an opportunity to recognize good work, just, simply, do it.

The best way to give appreciation would be to:

  • Announce the achievements of goals and important targets.
  • Celebrate the milestones with your team.
  • When it is cause for celebration, you must state the contribution of every team member or at least every department.
  • It is also important to put forward the status of quarterly or yearly achievements for your team.

The best thing about putting forward these achievements and celebrating them is that you get to appreciate and motivate your team to perform better and reach higher. If breaking the norms, attempting something greater than ordinary is your plan, then celebrating achievements will bring your team a step closer to just that.

Appreciate Employee Contribution
Image Source: Pexels

#2 Give The Team A Reason To Unite

Associating with various institutions, I have seen the “divide and conquer” motions in play a lot. People claim that this makes managing employees at an individual level easier. Does it though? I don’t think so.

With this kind of management dynamic, the team is left with no sense of belonging. Loyalty too fades from the picture pretty quickly.

Unity and togetherness are aspects that provide one a sense of familiarity. The power of “we” can take one’s spirits higher. So the solution to give your workplace an inviting vibe is to promote the growth of a collaborative environment. You can even use a team collaboration platform for that matter. In our instance, we use ProofHub to communicate, manage work, have fun using GIFS and emojis, and more.

Collaboration comes from:

  • Communication: Either in the case of small talk or communicating during team events, a leader should promote a culture where everyone feels free to go and talk to one another.
  • Delegation: Delegation is important. Distributing tasks evenly, trusting people to do their duties, and performing well with their assignments, are just some things that help you sow the seeds of loyalty in your employees.
  • Feedback: Another parameter that is important to promote effective collaboration is feedback. Not only does it help you be on the same page with everyone but when done right, it also helps people improve at their jobs and grow as professionals.

The key is to make effective communication a part of your wheelhouse. Communication through feedback, appreciation, and generally exchanging information can make a lot of difference in creating a vibe of the office that promotes employee comfort and a great team culture.

#3 Create An Accepting Team Culture

Building and shaping up a team culture might be equivalent to creating a vibe for your workplace. While you decide on what your company’s culture should look like, I must tell you that it should be formed on the foundation of acceptance.

Team Culture
Image Source: Pexels

To sculpt a more accepting team culture, we must determine how we listen to our employees. Promoting the growth of an organization where everyone listens to others’ ideas with respect, is what we all must aim for.

  • We should invite ideas and be open to everyone’s opinions.
  • Listen properly to every person’s ideas and correct others when they don’t do the same.
  • Always let people speak and encourage the shy ones to present their ideas in person if that is how they feel most comfortable.

Acceptance should be a big part of the office culture as well as the overall vibe. Letting your employees know that all their ideas are workable and their opinions valid, is how you create an environment where everyone feels welcomed.

Appreciate your team for the work well done and motivate them to work even harder in future with ProofHub announcements. Sign up NOW!

#4 Put In Efforts To Lighten The Load

Another way to set a chill, positive vibe is to help your employees keep stress and anxiety at bay. Giving your team a means to achieve their targets sooner can be a source of motivation.

So provide them resources and automation software platforms so that they can go easy on themselves and meet deadlines more efficiently.

Here at our organization, we believe we can help our team lighten the load by helping them:

  • Organize their files, folders, and tasks in one place.
  • Clearly set their goals and their particular roles.
  • Make the review and feedback process easier.
  • Engage in team events to blow off steam.
  • Make way for time management at work.

Now, how does making things easier for the team improve the overall workplace vibe? The thing is that sometimes repetitive processes can make the whole place feel mundane. This monotony can be a real vibe-killer. And, hence, we need to set up a system to lighten the load.

#5 Learn To Always Do As You Preach

It is a manager’s job to lead, inspire, and motivate. While you teach everyone compassion, empathy, patience, and acceptance, you must do the same. Actions speak louder than words. If you don’t actually do what you preach, your words would never make any impact.

All you need to do is follow the set of principles you usually tell your team to follow.

  • Start with empathizing with people and communicating with them on a personal level.
  • Allow people to speak in group settings and hear out their ideas while giving constructive advice.
  • Make teamwork and team cooperation your priority and help them communicate and deal with conflicts better.
  • Make it a point to only preach things for which you can draw an example from your own life.

Doing as you preach is also important because it makes you an honest person. Not only does it make your words more impactful, but it will also help you make your argument stronger.


Let us all come together and stop associating the word “work” with detachedness, dispassion, and stress. Help your employees embrace their jobs and their roles at the workplace. Make it worth their while to come to work every day by giving your workplace a vibe that is positive and compassionate.

Good luck!

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Author Bio:

Sandeep Kashyap is the Founder and CEO of ProofHub — leading project management and collaboration software. He’s one person always on the lookout for innovative ideas about filling the communication gap between groups, teams, and organizations. You’ll find him saying, “Let’s go!” instead of “Go!” many times a day. That’s what makes him write about leadership in a way people are inspired to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more.

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  1. This One Aspect Of Leadership Is The Most Important, Yet Highly Ignored

2. All It Takes Is 3 Simple Things To Be A Great Remote Manager

3. Help Your Employees Find A Purpose In Their Job

